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Posted on 10. September 2022

Do you test for sufficient randomness?

Featured image Do you test for sufficient randomness?
Some years ago, I have used an existing random string generator for generating random unique strings. From one day to another, there were a lot of timeouts in the application.
It turned out that the random string generator was not as random as I thought.
Do you run automated tests against a random string generator if it can provide for sufficient randomness?
Posted on 2. September 2022

Open current folder in PhpStorm from command line

Do you work a lot with the shell and PhpStorm on macOS? You can easily open the current folder in PhpStorm or in any other IntelliJ product with a shortcut direct out of the console by adding an alias!
Posted on 20. May 2022

Shell keyboard shortcuts you will love

The shell, used precisely, is a very powerful tooling for every Software Engineer. There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts which make it possible to navigate, modify and by this complete the current job in a much faster way. Here you can find a list of my favorite shortcuts.
Posted on 1. February 2022

The best shell tools I use as a developer

As a software engineer, I am using the shell a lot. Besides the IDE, it is the most important tool. Since working in the shell can be complex sometimes, it is important to find the right tools which not only makes working in the shell a lot of fun but also boost your productivity.
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