
All posts tagged testing
Posted on 5. November 2023

Reduce integration test runtime while using MySQL

Integration tests are a crucial part of the software development process, ensuring that different components of your application work seamlessly together. The faster the feedback, the faster the release.

So how can we reduce the test runtime to give the engineers faster feedback and improve the CI pipeline when using MySQL or MariaDB?
Posted on 15. December 2022

How to test GraphQL with Codeception in PHP

GraphQL is a query language for APIs. It was developed by Facebook and is often used as an alternative to REST APIs - but you can define the specific data you want to retrieve from the API. But how to test GraphQL with Codeception in PHP?

Spoiler: You do not need an extension.
Posted on 10. September 2022

Do you test for sufficient randomness?

Some years ago, I have used an existing random string generator for generating random unique strings. From one day to another, there were a lot of timeouts in the application.
It turned out that the random string generator was not as random as I thought.
Do you run automated tests against a random string generator if it can provide for sufficient randomness?
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