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Posted on 14. June 2021

MacOS productivity - The tools I can't live without

Almost every time I show somebody something on my MacBook, the question „How did you do that?” or „What tool is that?” comes up. After all those years, I have decided to write a blog post about the tools I use and which have increased my productivity not only as a developer, but also in general on MacOS.
Posted on 16. April 2021

How to integrate an external API into Home Assistant - An example with the Ambee Pollen API

Featured image How to integrate an external API into Home Assistant - An example with the Ambee Pollen API
Home Assistant is an open source home automation hub with a huge ecosystem powered by a worldwide community. With its RESTful integration, you can easily add an external API as a sensor on which you can build an automation or just show the given data on your dashboard. In this tutorial, I will show you how to integrate the pollen data of Ambee which provides powerful APIs for real-time air quality, weather, pollen and fire data.
Posted on 27. December 2020

Adding a single line can destroy the reputation of your app

On the 18th of december, there was an update for the ARD Mediathek app. The update seems to have included one configuration line which led to a lot of frustration and a very bad user experience. Ten days later, nothing has been fixed. Some reminders and learnings from my side.
Posted on 14. November 2020

Why you should and how you could implement the dark mode

The dark mode, also called night mode, is a special color schema which uses light-colored text on dark backgrounds. The opposite of dark mode is the light mode which is or was the de facto default schema. The dark mode not only has effects on the human body but also on the power consumption of newer devices.
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